What Chiropractors Have to Say About the Holidays

Driving the in-laws around, hanging lights, and shopping for just the right gifts – these are just some of the holiday tasks to get done. Individually, these tasks are no problem but when you combine all the things you need to accomplish with back pain – not so much. By following our tips, you can get your holidays done with a lot less pain! Here are our suggestions.

Shop Smart

When it comes to holiday shopping, you face long lines, traffic, and heavy bags, so don’t make things harder on yourself. Countless shoppers head from store to store, acquiring more and more bags with each stop. With all that to be carried, it can quickly lead to back, shoulder, and neck pain as the body compensates for all the extra weight. The more time spent shopping, the more the body will be weighed down. Instead of holding onto everything for your entire shopping trip, unload every so often between stores. Your back will surely thank you!

Sit Smart

This one might seem obvious, but all that time sitting in traffic can affect your posture. Many of our patients have a tendency to keep their wallet in their front pocket while sitting which causes the body to be in improper alignment, which then leads to back pain. Maintain proper posture when driving and remember to keep wallets, keys, phones, and other items out of pockets while seated.

Make Decorating a Family Affair

No one should have to handle all the holiday decorating alone! If one person has to take on that big job all alone, it can lead to injury and back pain with all the bending, lifting, stretching, and straining. Instead, everyone should hang their festive décor with another person in town. Not only does it make the task at hand more fun, it also reduces the risk of injury and pain.

Regular chiropractic care combined with these tips will make your holidays in Chicago (or wherever your travels take you) that much brighter. To learn more about how Dr. Tracey Stiles can help improve your health during the holiday season, click here!