Trouble sleeping?
Insomnia is the most common complaint among Americans and affects 6 out of 10 people according to the National Sleep Foundation. Insomnia can last for one to several nights, or even longer periods of time lasting months and years. When insomnia lasts more than one month it is considered a chronic condition.
Occasionally insomnia is a disorder of its own but often is a symptom of something deeper happening in the body, possibly another disease or condition. Someone suffering with insomnia may not show any daytime distress or symptoms, but often have poorer health, miss work more, and have a higher chance of depression. (Reviewed by David N. Neubauer, 2014)
Mitigating factors including (but not limited to): stress, loss, trauma, anticipation, pain, digestive issues, sleep apnea (interrupted breathing), depression and anxiety as well as side effects of medication(s). Our sleep can also be affected by our body's alignment.
Questions to ask:
Could my insomnia be triggered by what I am eating or drinking throughout the day?
Is my physical pain keeping me awake, and what can I do about that?
Is there something I can do to improve my sleep before trying medication?
Proper nervous system function is paramount. If our bodies are not producing adequate sleep hormones our bodies cannot cycle in normal circadian rhythms, making sleep unfruitful.
Your nervous system is the electricity that runs your body. These nerves send the necessary information to the different organs and glands so the proper amount of hormones can be produced.
The bones of the back (the spinal column) protect these nerves. If these bones fail at their job, this can cause pressure and pinching on the nerves resulting in a slow down or total loss of communication, i.e. someone lowered the rheostat and now your electricity is being shut off. This often occurs even without a back pain.
When was the last time you had your spinal column checked?
Misaligned bones → nerve pressure → imbalance of sleep hormones
Call us today and be sleeping like a baby tonight.