Intermittent Fasting

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To Fast, or Not To Fast, That is the Question

What is intermittent fasting? Cycling between fasting and eating. Humans have been fasting either out of necessity or as a part of religious rituals throughout history.


Today's most popular fasting is the "16/8 cycle" also known as "Leanganes protocol". Basically it involves skipping breakfast and eating in an 8 hour period.


Why should we fast? Fasting allows your hormones to make stored fat accessible for the body to burn. Insulin sensitivity improves and HGH (human growth hormones) increase as much as 5x, benefiting fat lose and muscle gain. Cellular repair occurs during fasting; Cells digest and remove old dysfunctional proteins that accumulate. When fasting there appears to be a change in the function of our genes, allowing an increase in longevity and immune responses.


Weight loss, lowering insulin levels and increasing HGH levels tend to be the #1 reasons people are fasting. All of these things can trigger an increase of norepinephrine (the fast burning hormone). Studies have found 3.6-14% increase in your metabolic rate with intermittent fasting and a 3-8% weight loss.


Additionally fasting can help with:

  • Inflammation
  • Heart health
  • Cancer prevention
  • Protecting your brain from Alzheimer's
  • Anti-aging

Fasting may not be for you if:

  • You're diabetic
  • Have blood sugar regulation issues
  • Low blood pressure
  • Take meds
  • Are underweight
  • Battling an eating disorder
  • Trying to conceive
  • Women with amenorrhea
  • Pregnant or breast feeding

 The choice is yours, choose wisely. Food for thought.


Yours in Health,

Dr. Tracey Stiles

Stiles Chiropractic Offices



Gunnars, K. (2017, June 4). Intermittent Fasting 101 - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide. retrieved from